Type: | Studiedocumentatie |
Ziektebeelden: | Thalassemie |
Leeftijd: | ≥ 18 jaar |
Fase: | N.v.t. |
Lijn: | N.v.t. |
Status: | Open |
Locatie: | Amsterdam UMC |
Volledige titel | Improvement of MRI assessed cerebral Perfusion and oxygenation by luspatercept-induced Anemia Correction in non-transfusion dependent Thalassemia |
Documenten | |
Samenvatting met in- en exclusiecriteria |
Primary objective: To assess whether luspatercept can improve the cerebral oxygen metabolism (CMRO2) in patients with NTDT
Secondary objectives: To assess the effect of luspatercept treatment on CBF in NTDT patients To assess the effect of luspatercept treatment on neurocognitive impairment To assess the effect of luspatercept treatment on cardiac parameters of cardiac stress (NTproBNP and TRV) |
Veiligheidsinformatie |
Niet geregistreerde geneesmiddelen | |
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NB |
Principal investigator Amsterdam UMC | Bart Biemond |
Principal investigator elders |